Oct 31

Fall Shabby Pumpkin


Supplies Needed for DIY Fall Pumpkin:
-twine (about half a skein)
-roll of toilet paper
-hot glue
-stick (for the stem) it is best to section your way around like shown in this photo. Step 1:  Start by dabbing a tiny bit of hot glue on the inside of the tube and glue down my end.  Then wrap the twine around five times. Then move the twine over to the next quarter section, glue down my twine on the inside.  Then continue to wrap it around the roll five times.  Think of directions.  1 set of five strands was North, 1 set East, 1 set South, and 1 set West.  Then cut these quarters in half  with 4 more sets of five strands. It is important to do it this way to make sure you have an even amount of pressure on all sides of the roll of toilet paper and so that your strands will be evenly distributed in the center of the tube. Step 2:  Continue this pattern of five strands until your toilet paper roll is adequately covered, adding a little dab of glue each time you move to a different section. Step 3:  Glue in your stem/stick. Do not use one continuous strand of twine. Source: http://sarahdawndesigns.blogspot.gr/  

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